The thing is, we are only able to learn the lessons meant for us when we are available, open to receive & radically accept them. No sooner, no later. The Universe holds perfect time and score. A fool’s errand to attempt control of such things. We tend to learn our greatest lessons in the lowest, hardest & most painful times. Those moments break us down & humble us until we become too weary to hold heavy and eventually we must LET GO. It may take a few tries. We may be served the same lesson over and over as our ego fights for control. We may feel this deep inner resistance as we hold on to what is known even if it’s blocking our highest and purest potential. Even to our own detriment. In defiance and desperation we may ask the Universe for answers or help. But when we ask it for help, it just laughs.
Eventually, we realize that it’s not an external gift…we must surrender control, attachment & certainty. We must be willing to feel and sit in discomfort and unknown. We feel lost after surrender. It’s OK. We feel lost because we’ve just let go of who and what we thought we were and identified with. Disorienting. Float there. Create space not meant to be filled. Space to observe and listen in. Disorienting but it’s freer there. We unblock our connection to source, self, truth. We allow space for the lesson to reach us, heal us, and guide us into a stronger, freer, peaceful, and authentic self.
Trust the timing of your life & stay the course. Float in the grey areas.
By Crystal MacDonald
When you’re ready, your lesson is waiting for you…just remember to let go and let it in.

Written by
Ken Akiyama
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